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mission & vision

Through professional coaching; Coach Jeff aims to empower you to actualize your full potential and succeed in life, by cultivating virtues to create a life of purpose and meaning. This will give you the confidence to make positive changes and influence others  professionally and personally.

coach jeff



Professional Coach

Coach Jeff has been in the IT industry for 17 years specializing in process automation, revenue and cost reduction. His cross-functional experience in corporate has honed his leadership skills, which motivated him to take an executive role at Charis Foundation.


He gives lectures at the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P) on Personal Development for the Entrepreneurial Management Program of the School of Management. He champions the coaching and mentoring of the program and extends assistance to other schools in the university: School of Communication, Junior College, and Engineering.


He receives coaching engagement with young professionals in Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and the US for life and career coaching. With his passion for youth empowerment, he gives speaking engagements in schools, youth organizations and universities.

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